So here's an old pic of me in Salvador back in 2006. From now on I'll make sure I have my NG shirt with me whenever I travel so I can take a pic of me wearing it in front of landmarks.It's silly, but I like the idea for some reason. I wonder how far in the world NG shirts can be seen...
In other news, thursday is a holiday in Brazil and I'm going down to the beach with some friends! :D
Also, I recently applied for an interchange program. Results come out this week and if I'm selected I'll spend the second half of the year studying in the US. Cross your fingers for me!
you're from Brazil, right???
man.. awesome counry...
how did you get a NG TSHIRT???
you know, im from argentina
Yeah, I'm from Brazil.
I was 3rd on a NG competition long ago: mo2005.html
It was a stupid idea but I got $200, a Tshirt and some olskool stickers! :)